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Diphtheria and Tetanus Routine Immunisation Schedule


A full course consists of 5 doses. Once complete these are considered to give lifelong immunity. Routine tetanus immunisation was introduced to the UK in 1961. Older adults may be unimmunised and at particular risk.




Primary course

3 doses of vaccine (as Td/IPV) each one month apart

4th dose

10 years after primary course (as Td/IPV)

5th dose

10 years after 4th dose (as Td/IPV)


Td/IPV – Low dose diphtheria, tetanus and inactivated polio vaccine


Circumstances where a patient should have more than 5 doses of vaccine:

  • Following a tetanus prone wound if the tetanus status is unknown.
  • For travellers to areas where medical attention may not be accessible should a tetanus prone injury occur, and the last dose was more than 10 years previously. This is a precautionary measure in case the immunoglobulin is not available to the individual should a tetanus prone injury occur.


The Full Information Sheet "Tetanus Prevention" is available here.  


Page last edited: 29/08/2007

Caution; the antibiotic doses recommended on this website are intended for adult patients with normal renal and liver function unless otherwise stated. Dosing advice for patients with renal impairment is available here.

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