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The content of this part of the website is the copyright of Department of Microbiology for Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, University Hospital NHS Trust and Nottingham City Hospital NHS

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This site contains guidelines registered at  Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, University Hospital NHS Trust and is intended solely for use by healthcare professionals to aid the treatment of patients currently within the Trust's care.  However, clinical guidelines are guidelines only, their interpretation and application remain the responsibility of the individual clinician. If in doubt, contact a senior colleague or expert.  Clinicians are advised to refer to the manufacturers current prescribing information before treating individual patients.

The authors and the Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, University Hospital NHS Trust accept no liability for use of information from this site beyond this intended use.

While we have tried to compile accurate information on this site - and to keep it updated in a timely manner, we cannot guarantee that it is fully complete and correct at all times.


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Caution; the antibiotic doses recommended on this website are intended for adult patients with normal renal and liver function unless otherwise stated. Dosing advice for patients with renal impairment is available here.

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