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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease- Management

Inform Registrar who will review the patient after admission (preferably before initiating treatment).


  • Remove IUCD after consultation with the registrar or higher grade.

    Send to microbiology (with clinical details) to exclude actinomycosis.

    (Do not send all removed IUCDs: only those from patients with suspected PID)

  • Antibiotic treatment

  • Analgesia and anti-emetics, as required (paracetamol/ dihydrococeine /diclofenac /other opiates)

  • 4-hourly temperature, pulse & respiration checks

  • Consider laparoscopy if no improvement in pain and/or temperature after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment (take swabs for culture and sensitivities laparoscopically) – emergency list. 

  • Discharge information should include safer sexual practices, and referral of patient and partner to GUM clinic for investigations/treatment/contact tracing if necessary.

The Full Guideline "Antibiotic Guideline for Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease" is available here.

Caution; the antibiotic doses recommended on this website are intended for adult patients with normal renal and liver function unless otherwise stated. Dosing advice for patients with renal impairment is available here.

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