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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease


Low abdominal pain, pyrexia, vaginal discharge, intermenstrual bleeding, Previous history of GUM attendance


Clinical Features

Abdominal tenderness, peritonism, tenderness right sub costal in Fitzhugh-Curtis syndrome, cervical discharge, cervicitis, cervical excitation tenderness, adnexal tenderness



Chlamydia trachomatis, Gonococcus, Mycoplasmas, Ureaplasmas, Streptococci, often mixed with Gram negatives and anaerobes (previous GUM attendance - increases likelihood of Chlamydia or Gonococcal infection)

 Uncommon: Tuberculous PID and actinomycosis

Also: secondary to appendicitis or diverticulitis, following IUCD insertion (the highest risk of developing PID is within the first three weeks)

The Full Guideline "Antibiotic Guideline for Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease" is available here.

Caution; the antibiotic doses recommended on this website are intended for adult patients with normal renal and liver function unless otherwise stated. Dosing advice for patients with renal impairment is available here.

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